Seven months have quickly gone by since that first never-to-be-forgotten Lord's Day when we sat down for the first time to "Break Bread" in the assembly here in Xalapa. These days have been very educational for both the believers and us as we seek to see them grow in the faith.
What joy fills our hearts in the midst of these last days with so-called Christianity and all its confusion, to see a group with deepening desires and growing convictions to obey the One, who gave His life to redeem them from this present evil age. Three of the brethren currently help out with preaching the three R's of the Gospel on a weekly basis and also have commenced giving suitable ministry.
We are most thankful to see how God has already given the increase in both a spiritual and numerical nature, being assured that the Lord Himself has purchased the assembly with His own blood. He too will raise up men with shepherd hearts to lead and feed the flock.
Recently we had a short spell of Gospel meetings in a nearby town called Actopan. A little interest was shown, however due to a sudden raise in abductions & murders in a town of 4,100 we have decided to discontinue while we look to the Lord for guidance.
Also, remember the nearby town of Coatepec where we have been preaching weekly in the open-air for the last two years.
We are presently on a visit to Guadalajara & Zapopan on route to the annual conference in Tepic where once again we are almost overwhelmed with the millions of Mexicans that have never heard the glorious Gospel of God. Pray that the Lord will send more workers to this dark idolatrous land of chillies, coffee & cactus' but very few Christians.
Winter 2015
Written by Timothy & Jenna Stevenson - MEXICO