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San Salvador, El Salvador

Jack Saword

I continue to grieve the departure to Glory, of my dear wife and life partner, Ellen, whom as you know, went Home to be with her Lord and Saviour, on the 22nd of August. The last year of her life, I had to feed her through a tube in her stomach, as she was unable to swallow anything by mouth. Then during the last three weeks of her life, she was unable to tolerate food or liquids through the tube, and so it was very difficult for me and the family, to see her gradually fade away, until she took her last breath, and was ushered into the realm of eternal bliss with her Lord and Saviour, whom she so dearly loved and served. I'm missing her greatly, but the Lord has certainly been very near to me in this sore trial and is greatly comforting and sustaining me, in these difficult moments without her at my side, where she has been for the past 57 years.

After the funeral, I drove back with Craig and Corina and their son Steven to Kennewick, where we had the trailer packed and headed on our way to Springdale, AR.

I felt led of the Lord, to return to the work here in El Salvador, with its great need and so few to carry on the work, as Craig, Corina and Steven had plans to return by land. I felt it was opportune for me to follow them down in my vehicle, and bring a few more of my belongings by road, than I would be able to bring with me, travelling by air.

We also shipped a 20-foot container, with the rest of my belongings, including many Seed Sowers texts, Bibles and scriptural literature, handicap utensils and other materials, to be used in the work here, which will D.V. arrive here before the end of this month.

The Lord greatly helped us, get through the borders and didn't encounter any serious dangers with the drug cartel bandits on the road, even though the roads were in a greatly deteriorated condition; we made it safely here, with the Lord's help and protection.

I'm glad to be back in the work here, there is such a great need, as this field continues to be white and ready to harvest, but where the labourers are so few. I trust, with the Lord help and guidance, to be able to continue sowing the Good Seed, and to strengthen and build up the saints in their most holy faith, especially those in several assemblies that have diminished greatly in numbers, mostly due to having to move to others areas, where there is less gang activities. The government is having serious problem trying to control the many daily deaths. Some days as many as 25 or more die at the hands of gangs and even amongst government forces.

None of the believers connected with our assemblies, have suffered loss of life, but many have suffered financial losses, due to the gangs demanding tax money, especially from those who have some type of business. They threaten with a death warrant and even kidnapping, if these don't comply with their demands, This mental strain makes it very difficult for many to stay in business.

Please continue to pray, that the saints and the fulltime workers here, may be protected from wicked and unreasonable men, that the Word of Life may continue to be sounded forth unhindered, for the glory of our God, the salvation of precious souls and that the saints be edified and make progress in their spiritual lives.

Some of you may have heard, that our son Craig has been diagnosed with having first stages of Parkinson's, as well as Huntington's disease

I feel greatly that he has to deal, with that disease, as well as with Huntington's Chorea, that his mother Ellen suffered from. Please pray that the Lord will sustain and encourage him and Corina in this trial.

I am thankful to the Lord, for His continued help and blessing with the work, in the Springdale, Arkansas area. The newly established assembly testimony there, in mid-June, 2013, after eight plus years of labor, has seen further souls being reached and saved, and others being added to the fellowship of the assembly. This has greatly encouraged our hearts. I trust and pray, that the Lord may continue to help, bless and encourage the work there. I would greatly covet your prayers.

We were thankful to have Harry & Rebecca Rodriguez, who have shared in the establishing of the work there. We rejoice in a good number of the brethren, who form a part of the testimony there, taking an active part in the exercises and gatherings and growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I plan D.V., to make periodic visits there as the Lord enables us and keep in touch with our many loved ones in the Lord there.

I received a very warm and endearing welcome back from the saints in El Salvador that I have been in touch with thus far and I look forward D.V., to getting in touch with many more around the country, as the Lord would guide and enable me.

Should you desire to correspond with me, here in El Salvador the address of a Courier Service in Miami, FL, that you can send your letters through, using the regular U.S. Postage, which I find much safer and faster than sending mail through the regular mail system here. If you would like to contact me by phone, my Home number is: 001-503-2260-1063 or my Cell number, which is:001-503-7505-0445. By one way or another, I would greatly enjoy and appreciate hearing from you.

Winter 2015

Written by Jack Saword - EL SALVADOR

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