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Tony & Danelle Flett

The past two weeks have been very troubling here with the unexpected turn of events.

We are all well and are in constant contact with all the workers. For me it brings back memories of El Salvador as a child, when many of those I knew were beaten and others just disappeared. We trust that the Lord will intervene in this most difficult situation and bring about calm once again. As you know we have to be very careful of what we say both here and abroad. We value your prayers as one who understands what we are going through here at this time.

The assembly in Dolores, Nicaragua, was established shortly after we moved here a little over 13 years ago, and over the intervening years, the work has changed in character. The initial gospel focus was accompanied by the enthusiasm of new believers sharing their testimonies and obeying the Lord in baptism. While the gospel is always a central part of the work, the focus has shifted in Dolores to an emphasis on teaching and stability, which requires even more patience and wisdom. The believers have had to learn to live out God's word in every aspect of their lives, despite having few if any, examples to draw upon from their childhood. As they mature, their developing gifts are seen more clearly and are used more effectively to build up the church. We are grateful to the Lord for sustaining the assembly, and that we still have the joy of seeing people receiving His gift of salvation and being gathered unto His name. In recent months, the assembly has received the wife of one brother and the daughter of a sister into fellowship, and will soon add a young couple who were saved during gospel meetings last year.

As Dolores matures and becomes more selfsufficient, it has freed me up to be able to help out in other assemblies in the southern part of the country, seeking to build up and encourage the Christians. Some of the assemblies are relatively small, without the variety of gifts that Dolores enjoys, and the burden of responsibility can be heavy when there are not enough to share the load. We are still waiting on the Lord to raise up leadership in each of the assemblies here.

The workers in the country have made a point in maintaining strong relationships between assemblies and supporting each other in special activities when possible. In the past few years, we have been involved in the building of a camp facility on some land that was donated for this purpose in the northern part of the country. The facilities have been used for children's outreach and youth camps, as well as the annual conference, marriage teaching, and development of youth leadership. God has blessed this area of the work in Nicaragua as youth and children's work is growing in most areas of the country.

We would you value your prayers for peace and stability in Nicaragua as some political unrest over the last month has made travel more difficult. When the tension is highest, we have even had to cancel some meetings. We trust that nothing happens outside of God's knowledge and control, and we pray that there will be no hindrance to the gospel continuing to be preached freely. A little unrest did not deter the Christians from helping Danelle, and I celebrate our 25th anniversary with a meal after the ministry meeting and a good time of fellowship. It did, however, cause the cancellation of our son Craig's last two weeks of classes at his university, but he was able to finish all assignments and tests online. Amy and Brenda are both studying at online universities, so they have not been affected. We are very thankful that each of our children is exercised to serve and be involved in the Lord's work.

So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth but; God that giveth the increase. I Cor. 3: 7.

Spring 2018 Written by Tony and Danelle Flett - NICARAGUA

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