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Mark & Brenda Bachert

Mark & Brenda Bachert

Perhaps you have heard that we have moved into the capital city of Managua due to the stage in life that we are entering into - School days! Matthew has enrolled in Nicaragua Christian Academy, and will soon be followed by his younger brother Micah. Elisa, our newest addition, is still a few years away!

With this move, and the huge need of the city, before the Lord, Brenda and I are inviting again a group of young men to assist us in the Managua Vision. We have seen how God has used the year away from home in the lives of the young men and we are really thankful for it. Obviously such a venture, hosting five to seven guys, involves a great personal sacrifice and, before the Lord, we are compelled to slowly take steps forward, confiding in the greatness of our God to protect our family emotionally, spiritually and really in every sphere.

Basically we are looking for young men who are pliable, yet have a measure of conviction. We are hoping to avoid the need to 'babysit'. The basic requirements are: saved, baptized, in assembly fellowship, good testimony, certain life skills, a measure of responsibility, etc.

September 2012 - Aug 2013 is the time frame. I value your prayer support. I hope to send out a formal invitation to several young men who have been recommended by overseers in North American assemblies, in the next couple of weeks.

Commendation to the Lord’s work: Dr. Samuel & Mrs. Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele February 4, 2012

Greetings to our dear brothers and sisters, The purpose of this letter is to advise you that Dr. Samuel & Mrs. Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele, as full-time commended workers for the sake of the gospel, are resuming their service on the mission field.

They leave for Lisbon, Portugal, on Feb 29, 2012 where they will spend about one year in concentrated study of the Portuguese language before settling in Angola. Portuguese is the language of government and commerce in Angola. Samuel & Elizabeth and their five children (Zachary (12), Ethan (10), Jesse (7), Seth (6), and Abigail (3), go out with our full support and prayer for the Lord to keep them, provide for them and use them for His honour and glory as they labour in the gospel and in teaching.

Samuel & Elizabeth’s current contact details, until Feb 28, are as follows: Samuel and Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele 90 McLean Court, Fredericton, NB, E3G 9Y1 Phone: 506-455-7250 E-mail:

Their new address as of March 1, 2012 is: Rua Morgado Covas No. 2-1D, Sto. Antonio dos Cavaleiros, Portugal 2660-249 E-mail will remain the same, as above.

My contact details are: Robert Griffin 1192 Route 105, Douglas, NB E3G 7K1 Phone: 506 472-5512 E-mail:


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