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Writer: Timothy & Rhoda Sloan Timothy & Rhoda Sloan

Timothy & Rhoda Sloan

Rhoda and I were commended from Killykergan Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, in October 1992. After ten years in Norway, we started to visit Ukraine, and we saw an assembly established in Lutsk in April 2002. In September 2004, we moved to live and labor for the Lord in Lutsk, Ukraine.

When we began building the orphanage in 2018, it wasn't a notion or a dream – it was a belief that we were doing what God wanted us to do. It was a commitment that we would see done no matter the challenges. We never expected the COVID-19 pandemic or the ongoing War that would close borders, limit supplies, increase costs, and lower workforce. With the enthusiasm we started with, we were going to finish. We would drive this project through because we believed God would not fail us. We believe this project is for God's glory, the local assembly's benefit, and orphan children's well-being.


On the 24th of February, it will be two years since this awful war started. In many countries, it has come off the main news, but remember that it is a daily reality for us. The intensity of the bombing has greatly increased, and Ukrainian civilians are paying a heavy price. Every day and multiple times during both day and night, air-raid sirens sound. We never know if the incoming missile is coming to our area. There is no end in sight, so we are using the difficult circumstances to reach out to the townspeople with the Gospel. God’s salvation is the only answer to Ukraine’s needs.

Orphanage - January 2024.

Over the past months, we have been working with Olena Zelensky (the president’s wife) in providing accommodation for children orphaned due to the war. In early January, we were asked if we could take 130 orphans who were being moved from the East to a safer location in the West of Ukraine. We had to refuse and were then asked if we could take 68 children who had been rescued from Russian captivity. Some of these children were orphans, and others had parents living in Russian-occupied territories. Housing these children would have been “short-term” and not what we planned for the children’s home. We aim to look after children aged 4 t18 years old permanently. It is a challenge; there are many needy orphans, but God is faithful. Your prayers are really valued.

Calendars 2024

We are in the process of distributing our 2024 calendars. We went into the Lutsk center yesterday and distributed over 4,000. Sadly, we had several refusals, and one lady spat in the face of young Mark (11) when he offered her a calendar. Our young people from UCC and a good number from the assembly were such a great help. It was snowy, and the temperature was below -10! We will continue distributing around the apartments near the hall, and some will be sent to the military on the front line. Please pray for this work.

Your prayers are not just words. They are a powerful force that enables us to do so much more. We feel the impact of your prayers in every step of our mission. Thank you for your continued support.

Written by Timothy & Rhoda Sloan - Ukraine


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