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Duncan & Anna Beckett

Iguala Guerrero, Mexico

In January and the first two weeks of February, we had the series of tent meetings. The believers in the small assembly here were faithful in helping out in every way they could. We were able to hand out over 5,000 invitations with calendars and a Romans 5:8 text. We were also able to rent out a billboard that overlooks the busiest section of the city advertising the meetings.

Duncan & Anna Beckett & children

We had over 50 new people out to the tent, most of them just curious, but a few that have returned. Please pray that the Lord would bless the Word sown. We were encouraged by the news of a 12-year-old boy of one of the Christians that came to know Christ as Saviour. Now that a couple of months have passed it has been good to see some signs of divine life, may the Lord preserve him.

The last half of February, we put up a stand to pass out calendars, invitations, and Bible literature at the annual fair. We received a good number of the God of Wonders DvD's and showed it on a white screen at our stand. We were able to hand out 4,000 calendars with an invitation to the regular meetings, and we are praying that the Seed sown will fall on good ground.

In March, the Lord answered prayer for a bigger hall by opening up the space that is connected to our current hall we are renting. The business next door suddenly moved out, and we were able to rent it at a good price! We are thankful to the Lord that we now have twice the space without having to move.

March was busy installing doors and windows and preparing the new space. We are using the extra space for Sunday School rooms and a dining area. The last Sunday in March, we inaugurated the new hall with a gospel meeting and free meal for those who live in the neighbourhood. We were happy to see several new ones out and pray that the Lord will bless the Good News spoken. Recently, the sisters have had the exercise to reach out to the community through holding some classes on baking for women. About two weeks ago, they held the first class, and a good number of women attended the class, most of whom had never been in the hall before.

Several of the ladies who attended expressed interest in the meetings, and one of them has since started attending.

Last week, we arrived back home from a week in Xalapa, Veracruz with missionaries from Ireland, Timothy, and Jenna Stevenson. They are currently in their fifth week of a gospel series and are seeing some new faces attend the meetings. We were able to help them for a week in the series and spend some quality time with their family. They have children the same age as ours so, it was a noisy household for sure! We are thankful for the fellowship and time we could have with Tim and Jenna.

Since arriving back home, we have been enjoying a five-day visit from our brother Tim Woodford from Hermosillo. Tim has been giving helpful ministry on the different Disciplines in the Life of a Believer. I also am very appreciative for the help Tim has been in some overdue visits that he accompanied me with in Oacalco. The outreach work in Oacalco, Morelos continues to grow by the grace of God.

Recently, we've seen the Lord work in Salvation, which has been a joy to witness. Now, with five baptized and seven professing salvation, we are praying for the Lord's guidance and help in this growing work. In San Lucas, we had to cut back our visits. We are now going once a month. Sadly, we just are unable to visit more frequently. We often pray for the understaffed situation here in our area however just about every work in Mexico could say the same.

Please pray with us that the Lord of the harvest would send forth labourers into His field.

Summer 2017 Written by Duncan & Anna Beckett - Mexico

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